Empathetic listening is a big part of the first E in FINESSE. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes in never easy. Communicating with FINESSE provides an approach.
Ernest Hemingway was an adventurer, writer, and journalist. He believed that most people never listen. We agree.
These are a few tips for empathetic listening when you give a presentation to senior management:
Clear you mind
Think about how you feel
Think about what you may be getting ready to display
Consider how you should feel
Keep tabs on those feelings as you listen
Remain calm and listen to others
Resolve to be a better communicator and facilitator by being a better listener. FINESSE provides a formal, cause-and-effect approach for issues with high levels of complexity and uncertainty.
Founded by JD Solomon, Communicating with FINESSE is a not-for-profit community of technical professionals dedicated to being highly effective communicators and facilitators. Learn more about our publications, webinars, and workshops. Join the community for free.