Five Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Second Edition of Communicating to Decision Makers.
1. What is the history of this book?
The first edition of print and Kindle versions was released in June 2017
Book is a product of half-day and full-day workshops that preceded it
The second edition (print version) has been released on Amazon.com
JD's next print book, “Communicating with FINESSE”, will be released in early 2023
2, What are three guiding principles for technical professionals communicating complexity and uncertainty?
Communicating as a trusted advisor is different than communicating for marketing or political purposes.
The burden of effective communication is on the sender, not the receiver.
Have empathy for the decision maker – it is about the decision maker, not you.
3. What inspired the book?
“I have sufficient tools and approaches… what I really need is a way to get my boss’s boss to understand.”
4. What are the best things about the book?
Fills a gap in the knowledge base for technical professionals
Practical – based on proven techniques used in workshops and in by practitioners
Best reference material in print on this topic
5. What is new in the second edition?
Chapter 10 – For the Boss’s Boss
How to get your staff to understand
Five key areas to consider and tips for each
More case examples, especially in the first three chapters
Additional content in five chapters
Improved formatting
Introduction of Communicating with FINESSE