The N in FINESSE stands for Noise reduction. We normally think of noise in four forms–the way people mentally process information, the types of forums where we present, visual and auditory effects, and communication channels. These three tips and a video clip provide focused examples.
Make Sure Your Message Is Clear
Few technical professionals fully leverage the editing tools or consistently apply the techniques to Google, Adobe, Microsoft, or social media applications. From word count to spoken words to readability, this article touches on key approaches to making your reports and presentations more concise.
Minimizing noise takes discipline and practice. The burden of effective communication is on the sender, not the receiver. The good news for technically trained professionals is that some AI tools will now help you. Two favorite AI tools are provided to supplement your normal editing and grammar tools.
Communication noise can be efficiently reduced by aligning the data we share with the meeting type. Consider the following:
Senior management: less is more; follow FINESSE
Internal work teams: data is the purpose; these meetings are naturally noisy
Public speaking: entertainment; more showmanship than data
Media: they care little about your data
Elected officials: less is more; they want stories and sound bites
Check Out the Video
We provide the foundations of Noise reduction in this 3-minute video.
The N in FINESSE Creates Effective Communication
The N in the FINESSE fishbone diagram stands for Noise reduction. Do you have an approach for communicating big issues with high complexity and uncertainty? Are you Communicating with FINESSE?
Communicating with FINESSE is a not-for-profit community of technical professionals dedicated to being highly effective communicators and facilitators. Learn more about our publications, webinars, and workshops. Join the community for free.